Attend Both Sessions
You are more than welcome to attend both sessions, arriving at 10am and departing after the networking session ends at 3pm.
We believe that by working together, we can overcome challenges, create world-class experiences, and achieve great things.
Join us this May for a day of getting to know each other and what makes our businesses tick. This is a free event with lunch included.
We’d like to create a forum where we can discuss business challenges that impact the area around Kilmelford and get creative on ways to overcome them.
We’d also love to bring like-minded businesses together to create opportunities and new partnerships. Wouldn’t it be great to see some new packages and experiences for the area that locals and visitors can enjoy? Here’s where those packages and experiences start. As they say from little acorns, mighty oaks grow!
We’re inviting you to come to Melfort Village on Thursday 25th May to get involved in a choice of workshops (or both if you have the time!).
This session is to discuss business critical issues such as energy costs, superfast broadband roll-out and short-term licensing legislation followed by a light lunch.
We’re hoping to have local stakeholders and representation from VisitScotland, ASSC, Argyll & Bute Council and more in attendance. The goal is to spend the morning thinking out of the box about the challenges we face as rural businesses operating in Tourism. The goal for this session is to find ways to collaborate, lobby and make positive changes happen.
Lunch followed by speed networking will create collaboration, partnerships & packaging and in turn attract new visitors, longer stays and higher spend in tourism businesses in mid-Argyll.
Bring your business merchandise, leaflets, business cards and best networking hat on for a getting to know you session. You’ll have a chance to speed network with everyone in the room and start conversations that could lead to great things for your business and the area.
You are more than welcome to attend both sessions, arriving at 10am and departing after the networking session ends at 3pm.
At the end of session B there will be a chance to meet Melfort Village CEO Linda Brown, her team, some of our board of Directors including Sally Smith MBE, Donald Martin and Kirstie Pirie from Source Marketing. Delegate packs will be distributed on the day so make sure to bring along your leaflets & promotional material.
We will also provide the opportunity to have a walk around the village to see what Melfort Village has to offer to the local community, its members and guests (optional).
We really hope you can come along and join us. If you can’t make it, or if this event isn’t suitable for you, then please feel free to pass this invitation on to a colleague within your business. Just make sure to let us know their name and position so we can account for numbers. If you have any questions, please get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.
We will be offering a prize draw on the day for attendees. If you would like to donate a prize or product, please do let us know.
Best wishes,
Lucy Thornhill
Head of Sales & Marketing – Melfort Village
Tel: +44 (0)1852 200 257
Melfort Village
Nr Oban,
PA34 4XD
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